Wedding Day!

Today is my brother wedding day. Well, actually he is my cousins(^o^) I didn't attend to his wedding so thats why i wrote this and hopefully he can read this one day. ahakz! Yeah. This is his second marriage. So i hope this girl who is going to be Mrs.Ron Should be a good girl because my brother deserve the best. You know, my brothers, they all are hottie.LOL. So, they really deserve the best.
     My mum, aunt and my uncle are going to the wedding but left me, cousin Phoebe and my big brother at home and took care of my naughty little son, Shawn. He's asleep right now. Nothing to worry. eheks! Hmmm..I wonder hows the wedding.  Hopefully my mum is having fun there.

    I hope their future together is just like Edward and Bella. I mean like True Love. Yeah, i' not really sure about the girl but i'm pretty sure that the girl was very lucky for having my brother as her husband. I just hoping that the girl will show some respect and grateful to my brother and not to stepping over his head and conquer his money. That is the baddest and that girl is surely going to hell. ahaha =D. Well, let just say that i'm happy for both of them and hoping that they will living a happy life until the end of their life.