100 Truths. [ I'm redoing it ]

1. Last beverage→
*   Plain Water

2. Last phone call→ 
*  Mom
3. Last text message→ 
*   From hui-hui, "Don't worry that bag is big enough for you to see."

4. Last song you listened to→ 
*   I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift

5. Last time you cried→
* Yesterday because of that one short video I found in Youtube xD

1. Dated someone twice?
*   Oh lol. Well, technically I did. With Logan, if that's count HAHAHAHA

2. Been cheated on? 
*  Nah.
3. Kissed someone & regretted it? 
*   Nope. I never kiss and tell *wink*

4. Lost someone special?
*  Many times. 
5. Been depressed? 
*   Hahahaha well, it's part of me now. 
6. Been drunk and threw up?
*  The perks of having high alcohol tolerance I guess hehe

*Four? Hm... Black, Blue, Light Purple and Light Green.

1. Made new friends → 
* I did and I love them.

2. Fallen out of love →
*  Never.

3. Laughed until you cried →
* Aw geez. Yes, but not as often.

4. Met someone who changed you →
* Hm.... Probably. But change me for the better, of course.

5. Found out who your true friends were →
*  Yeah, I guess.
6. Found out someone was talking about you → 
* Hahahahaha I guess so?

7. Kissed anyone on your friend’s list? 
* Nope.

8. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life?
*  Almost everyone since I pretty much just accept those who I know in real-life?
9. How many kids do you want to have? 
*  Two. Better if I can have a boy and a girl.

10. Do you have any pets?
*  Yes. 

11. Do you want to change your name? 
*  Nope. I Like my name actually.

12. What did you do for your last birthday?
*  First time celebrating it with friends and make me realize that it's better celebrating with my fam instead xD

13. What time did you wake up today?
* 10 ish something.

14. What were you doing at midnight last night →
*  Updating blog haha

15. Name something you CANNOT wait for →
* Start working and continue with my life.

16. Last time you saw your father?
*  Few minutes ago hahaha

17. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life→ 
*  Having a better and responsible brother.

18. What are you listening to right now → 
*  Antidote by Faith Marie. This song spoke to me real deep.

19. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom →
*   Uhh........ Tom who?
23. What’s getting on your nerves right now?
*  Pretty much everything. hahaha

24. Most visited web page → 
*  Currently, Blogger, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram

1. What’s your name → 
* Fergiee Frederick
2. Nicknames →
*  Pgie Deryck, Gie, Ngeng, Bibi, Pigi.

3. Relationship Status →
*  Waiting for Logan Lerman to DM me on Twitter.

4. Zodiac sign → 
*  Capricorn
5. Male or female →
* Female.
6. Elementary school→ 
* Srk pujut corner, Sk Lutong
7. High School →
* SMK Pujut
8. Height →
* 167 cm

10. Hair color → 
* A bit purple-ish

11. good at → 
*  Being the family disappointment hahaha i'm kidding. Good at stay motivate, I guess?

16. bad at → 
*  Keeping contact with people.

17. What do you like about yourself? 
*  Mostly my determination and courage in trying something new. 

18: What don’t you like about yourself?
*Sometimes, I can be too negative.

19. Piercings →
* 3 - one the left, two on the right.
20. Tattoos →
* I'm thinking of getting one hahaha

21. Righty or lefty →
*  Both. Though I'm better with my right.

22. First fight →  Uhh... Fist fight or verbal fight? Fist fight, never. Verbal fight, once or twice.

23. First embarrassment →  Well, too many tbh xD

24. First best friend →  Valerie and being a bad friend I am, I hadn't actually go and find her U.U

26. First kiss → Waiting for the right person :) 

27. First pet → Scooby.
28. First vacation→ Labuan 

29. First crush → B-rock (BSB)

30. First Boyfriend → Andy and no, he's not the character name I've always used. He's a real person believe it or not HAHAHAHA

49. Eating → None for now.

50. Drinking → Plain Water.
52. I’m about to → Post this I guess? And probably write another entry cuz I'm on fire right now xD

53. Listening to → Gotta Let Go by Hollywood Undead. 10/10 Recommended tbh

55. Waiting for → Logan Lerman to realize that I'm the love of his life HAHHAHAHAHAHA

58. Want kids? → Sure, why not? Kids are adorable.

59. Want to get married? → If I met the right person, why not?
60. Careers in mind? → Youtuber? Influencer? I don't know. Either one is fine.

68. Lips or eyes →  Both
69. Hugs or kisses → Both
70. Shorter or taller →Taller
71. Older or Younger → Older
72. Passive or aggressive →Both
73. Personality or looks →Both
74. Quiet or loud →Both
75. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
where is 76? → Running off somewhere.
77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Both

78. Kissed a stranger → Nope
79. Drank hard liquor → Yep
80. Lost glasses/contacts → Definitely
81. Told a big lie…or joke → Sure
82. Broken someone’s heart → Yeah
83. Had your own heart broken→ Countless of time.
85. Been arrested → So far, no.
86. Turned someone down → Of course.
87. Cried when someone died → Duh?
88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Yep.

89. Yourself → I do
90. Miracles → Definitely
92. Hell → I literally just crawl back from there. It's in my head.
93. Santa Clause → Yep
95. Kiss on the first date? → Yes?
96. Angels → I do

97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → 
    I do. I wish to be with my grandpa and grandma for one last time and ask them for advices.

98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time?
    Nah. Unless you counted Celebrity crush?

100. Posting this as 100 Truths? 
   I am. I mean, why did I even wasted my few minutes to answers all the question if I'm not even posting this? *eye rolls*